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Dr. med univ. Bettina Stemer, Holistic Psychotherapy

– Schema therapy: Do you recall those moments in which you notice you have got into a situation you said to yourself you would do it completely differently the next time. Schema therapy deals with precisely these patterns. With the knowledge of your own patterns, you will learn alternative ways of acting and strengthen yourself as a healthy person.

– Mindfulness: Mindfulness is the basis for getting out of the autopilot-mode in which we very ofent find ourselves cought into. Mindfulness helps us to recognize our own patterns, to accept them without judgment and to find a different way of dealing with them.

– Relaxation procedures and skills for emotion / stress regulation: Learn new skills that enable you to deal with difficult problems and to find stress in a healthy way.

During my training as a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy, yoga was an important way of reducing stress. Through my yoga practice, my interest in Ayurveda and the holistic view of people has increased over the years. I am fascinated by what we as individuals can contribute to our wellbeing and health, be it through nutrition, meditation, exercise or building relationships. That is why in my psychotherapeutic work I have dealt more with making it possible to combine these things in order to be able to accompany people who are in a crisis or have difficulties coping with stress. Physical and mental health complement each other and should always be considered holistically when treating stress-related illnesses.

The services of Ms. Dr. Bettina Stemmer are covered by basic insurance.